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Bits & Watts Initiative is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy.

Solar panels on the Hansen Experimental Physics Lab in front of the Huang building

Smart Grid Seminar

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Upcoming Smart Grid SeminarsVideos of past recordings

Bits & Watts’ Smart Grid Seminar is a quarterly seminar that brings experts from academia, startups, research institutes, and industry to familiarize seminar participants with challenges and advances in digital grid development. They discuss exciting new ideas and technologies that are changing the electricity industry. Subjects can include electricity market economics, market design, battery storage, electrified transportation, power electronics, renewable energy and grid data analytics. 

The hour-long seminars, which include ample time for discussion, are held at 1:30 pm five Thursdays each quarter. The seminar is open to both students, as a 1 unit seminar course (CEE 272T/EE292T), and to the broader community.  Thus it serves as both a vehicle to educate and to convene interested parties.

See a list of upcoming Smart Grid Seminars below or watch videos of past recordings.

The Smart Grid Seminar organizing team is comprised of: Prof. Ram Rajagopal (Faculty Lead), Civil & Environmental Engineering; Liang Min, Managing Director, Bits & Watts Initiative; and Chin-Woo Tan, Director, Stanford Smart Grid Lab.

The Stanford Smart Grid Seminar is supported by the Bits & Watts Initiative of Stanford University’s Precourt Institute for Energy,  TomKat Center for Sustainable EnergyDepartment of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Department of Electrical Engineering.


Upcoming Smart Grid Seminars