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Bits & Watts Initiative is a cross-campus effort of theĀ Precourt Institute for Energy.


Modeling degradation of Lithium-ion batteries for second-life applications: preliminary results

This paper presents a novel battery modeling framework based on the enhanced single particle model (ESPM) to account for degradation mechanisms of retired electric vehicle batteries. While accounting for the transport and electrochemical phenomena in the battery solid and electrolyte phases, the dominant anode-related aging mechanisms, namely, solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer growth and lithium plating, are modeled. For the first time, the loss of active material (LAM), which describes the tendency of anode and cathode, over time, to reduce the electrode material available for intercalation and deintercalation, is introduced in the ESPM. Moreover, the coupling of the aging mechanisms with the LAM dynamics provides a comprehensive means for the prediction of both linear and non-linear capacity fade trajectories, crucial to assess the health of batteries that are considered for second-life applications. Relying on data borrowed from [13], a model parameter identification and a comprehensive sensitivity analysis are performed to prove the effectiveness of the modeling approach.

Modeling degradation of Lithium-ion batteries for second-life applications: preliminary results

Gabriele Pozzato
Seong Boem Lee
Simona Onori
IEEE Xplore
Publication Date
January, 2022