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Bits & Watts Initiative is a cross-campus effort of theĀ Precourt Institute for Energy.

Seed Grants

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At the beginning of each Spring quarter, Bits & Watts invites proposals for seed funding of projects that, if successful, could equip investigators to obtain additional funding for follow-on research from other sources. Such projects inevitably involve risk; the evaluation of the proposals attempts to balance the risk and potential impacts of a successful project. This research funding is intended to encourage faculty to move into interdisciplinary energy research that is a departure from ongoing work in their research groups. Seed grant projects are typically funded up to $100K per year for two years.

Assessing the potential for a transition to electrified medium and heavy-duty vehicles in the U.S.

Secondary-Life EV Batteries: Predicting State of Health of Retired EV Batteries using Physics-Informed Machine Learning methods

Networked Battery Systems Lab: a systems research lab at the intersection of battery systems, IOT and grid

Embedded Heat Pipe Thermal Management Solution for Fast Charging EVs Addressing Cable, Battery and Charging Stations

Establishing diamond-based device platform for high power electronics

Grid energy storage: Optimizing Energy and Cost in Renewable Grid System: an electrochemical modeling approach

Ultrafast circuit breakers with wide bandgap technology

Co-creation of digital business models in the electricity sector

Open Innovation and the Search for Digital Solutions: Strategic Differentiation

Planning Reliable Grid with Variable Generation and Storage

Western Interconnection Data Analytics Project (WIDAP)